(Backup) Everything you need to know

Simple and cost effective backup solution, no hassle fees.
Get protected now

100gb storage pool

+ setup if required
Per month, yearly in advance
(or £15 paid month)

Need more data?

per month, per 100gb
No per user charge
Paid monthly, or pro-rata


£ ask
first 100gb, £6 per 100gb
Office 365, Linux, partition images, and more...
Plus loads more

Frequently asked questions

How does the pricing work?

We charge for the amount of storage used, not the number of computers/devices that are backed up. Prices start at £10 for up to 100gb of storage (NB: this will store approximately 100,000 average-sized documents.) 

Obviously this is depends on your file sizes and volume of data, so we can check this and let you know up front. If you exceed this, another 100gb block will be an additional £6 per month.

Packages start from £10/mth if paid a year in advance, or £15/mth if paid monthly.

How are we protected?

The backup client normally runs once per day (usually overnight or early morning) and uploads changes to the cloud. 

For data protection compliance, these servers are located in a secure London facility, are end-to-end encrypted, and only YOU have access to the backups.

Each of your backups are separate from each other, so should your data get infected by a virus or ransomware attack, then all files in previous versions are protected. 

You will be emailed the status of a backup everytime it runs, so you know it is working.

Affililate option

We often find our clients and connections like to recommend us to their contacts, so we have introduced an affiliate option to thank those who help us to protect more people, their data and businesses. 

If you'd like to find out more, get in touch and we'd be happy to provide details of how you can get involved.

Supported Platforms?

The backup solution will run on Windows, Mac and Linux based systems.

Installs can be handled us for free* if you are on a support contract, or a setup fee will be applicable if you'd like us to do this for you.

You can handle the setup yourself for free if you wish, or we can even discuss a hybrid approach - whatever works best for you.

Want to talk it out?

Have any more questions? Want help with a disaster recovery plan?
Get in touch - we don't bite (much!)
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